Caldwell Physical Therapy uses a variety of elective outcome and quality assurance methods, including independent auditing, chart review and comparative outcome measures. FOTO (focus on therapeutic outcomes), a web-based patient assessment system, provides patient outcomes with actionable data. Historically, the average global FOTO satisfaction for the hip, knee and shoulder is 97.58%.
Program goals:
- To improve the quality and continuity of care from initial hospitalization through maximal recovery.
- To reduce or eliminate (unforeseen) hospital readmission
- To establish transitional wellness and long-term health expectations
The structure and process of the Total Joint Program:
- A pre-op visit will be scheduled with Caldwell Physical Therapy once the patient is scheduled for surgery. During the pre-op visit, the patient will be assisted with a variety of activities to help prepare for the operation.
- Patient education on the initial postoperative exercises.
- Use of a walker, single point cane, or assistive device
- Elevation, positioning, and sleep preparation
- Home use of ice and/or heat
- Post-surgical expectations
- Home pre- and/or post-op planning
- Need for home visit based on initial pre-op visit and hospital discharge status
- Safety risk assessment: evaluation of stairs, rugs, bathroom, etc.
- Individual educational materials and expectations
- Pain, edema, and infection control measures
- Goals:
- Household ambulation and ADL (activities of daily living)
- Transfer and safety independence
- Progression of home-based exercises
- Community transportation plan
- Need for home visit based on initial pre-op visit and hospital discharge status
- Outpatient Physical Therapy
- 2-3 times per week with appropriate cascade to discharge
- Restoration of mobility, strength, and function
- Lifestyle goals:
- Independent living need
- Occupational demands
- Recreational and fitness expectations
- Post Rehabilitation
- The transitional gym program is a monthly cash program, independent of insurance (provided free of cost for the first month)
- Begins with gym supervision for independent exercise
- Continues at patient discretion
- Goal of gym program is to proactively establish a healthy lifestyle and further foundational wellness. This includes patient-centric goals and return to activity or recreation:
- Advanced walking/hiking
- Cycling
- Tennis
- Golf
- The transitional gym program is a monthly cash program, independent of insurance (provided free of cost for the first month)